Meagan Musing: January 2011

Meagan Musing


A Day in the Life

So last Friday I decided to try to document our day. Not this past Friday, but the one before that. I'm pretty late to blogging these photos but I really wanted to share. I'm going to love looking back at this post in a few years.


Breakfast time! What can we find in my crazy messy pantry? We ended up having Nutrigrain blueberry waffles with peanut butter which we have six days out of seven. So good!


He got to play the animal game on my iPod while I cleaned up breakfast.


And then back upstairs to get dressed for the day. These are the books that we read every single day. It's amazing how many of them he can pretty much recite all on his own. Repetition - it's good for a toddler!


We had to stop and play with the kitchen for a bit though. He was making eggs for us.

After we were dressed we headed to Gymboree class. I didn't take any photos there because I feel silly lugging my giant camera in there and we're so busy it would be hard to get a good shot.

We had a great time, and then we picked up our special Friday lunch on the way home:


After we ate it was time for some bed jumping and clubhouse building. Jumping on my bed is one of his favorite things ever. I always remind him about the monkeys bumping their heads, but it doesn't seem to worry him at all.



Nap time!

I did some photo editing and straightened up the kitchen from lunch. It was a great nap day.



It often takes him a bit to wake up and get happy again after his nap. Apple juice usually helps.


Then it was play time in the den. And I'm pretty sure he's watching Dora in this picture. I think he has enough toys to keep him occupied for a long while, what do you think?


Andrew loves to draw and color! This little Elmo magnadoodle was his favorite Christmas gift. He carries it all over the house drawing circles and smiley faces. And sometimes Mickey, but that one takes a lot of imagination to see. :)

Brian came home and we had dinner and then it was time for bath, books and bed.


He said "read more book" about 42 times and then it was time for a little rocking and bed.

And we do it all over again the next day. And I love it.

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Brian gives really awesome Christmas presents, and this year was no exception. He gave me a beautiful new Canon 100mm L f/2.8.'s really nice.

My favorite shot with it so far is this one of little baby Jack:


I just love these.


So I decided to get a little practice in with it Tuesday afternoon. It was nice enough to play outside and Andrew was kind of cooperative.

But it's a lot slower to focus than my 50mm and Andrew's really fast so I got some pretty soft ones like these:




But then I got this:


It's a good thing we don't have to shoot film anymore. I get so many bad images to get a few winners.

I'll leave y'all with this great post over at Darcy's blog, Life With My 3 Boybarians.

Don't Put Off the Printing

I am so, so bad about printing my photos. But I love her idea of creating a To Print folder each month. I'm going to start this this month and see how it goes.

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Sunday Reflections

It has been a bad photo week. It has been so cold here that we really haven't had a chance to get outside and when we're inside I'm like an old lady, all covered up in blankets.

So I decided that Kelsey and I should try to do a little photo shoot with Andrew and Reid on Saturday morning. Ha, ha, ha! I think that was the last time I'll try to set up a shoot for Andrew. And Reid was not at all interested in having his picture made.

So, here's my only cute picture of Andrew from the week:


Yes, he might really need another haircut. :)

I know I've mentioned the weather already, but I want to remember this week next summer when I'm complaining and swearing that I'm moving to the mountains and never coming back.

It's been under 50 degrees since last Saturday; we had three days in the 30s! And we haven't seen the sun since Wednesday. I know, if I lived anywhere else it wouldn't be that bad, but it just never gets this cold and stays so cold here. At first I thought I'd enjoy the week of winter, but I'm ready for it to move on now.

So I'm sure this coming week will be better.

I've been busy working on photos from my third newborn boy. Here's one of my favorites of baby J:


He was so sweet and sleepy. I have two little girls set up in the next month or so, and I'm really hoping they go as well as this shoot did. I'm so happy with lots of the shots from this one.

I have so many posts in my head that I want to write, I just have to find the time to do it. So I will try to be back here sooner rather than later!

I hope you all had great, fun weekends!

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Holidays 2010

I know it's January 9th, but I still want to post my quick Christmas recap.

We had such a wonderful holiday with family!


Look at all those boys! My little nephew, Reid, is getting so big already. And that's my dad, Papa Jack, trying to hang on to Andrew.

I loved getting to celebrate this Christmas with my kiddo. He was so happy and full of joy all day. If fact, he wanted to do Christmas all over again the next day. He jumped out of bed on Sunday and said "Merry Christmas!".

We had a lazy day at my parents' house on Christmas day. We didn't have any extra company and we didn't have anywhere to be so Andrew got to stay in his Santa pj's all day.

And then on Sunday the skies were clear and blue and even though it was freezing cold we went outside to play.

We went home on Sunday evening and Brian had the whole week between Christmas and New Years off of work. We all got a little spoiled having him around so much. Andrew is so crazy about his daddy. (And I am, too.)

Now we're all back to work and Andrew finally goes back to MDO this week.

(True story, we got all ready for MDO last week, loaded up the car with the diaper bag and lunch, drove to school and realized we were the only ones there. Oops.)

I've already turned 31 this New Year and had my third newborn baby session. It's been busy, but lots of fun!

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