Meagan Musing: A Big Boy Bed!

Meagan Musing


A Big Boy Bed!

Well, this weekend was it. We officially moved Andrew in to his big boy bed, and so far so good.


I don't know if we made the move the right way, but it worked for us. We've been talking about Andrew's new big boy bed for weeks. We've been looking at the sheets and his new blanket and he's been super excited about it.

So we decided this was the weekend to finally set up the bed, and Andrew and I went shopping to buy a mattress on Friday afternoon.

(Y'all, he jumped on every bed in that store - I was so embarrassed! And then it was time to leave and he got in the middle of a bed and wouldn't come to me. The sales guy eventually lured him off. I couldn't believe it. Oh, so embarrassing!)


Brian stopped to pick up the mattress on his way home from work and it was already 7:30 by the time he got home.

We had to take the crib apart to move it out of the room and then put the bed together. We'd planned to do all of it on Saturday afternoon, but Brian decided we should just go ahead and put it together that night.

Sooo....we were finally finished and ready to put him to bed at 9:00! And he hadn't had a nap so he was pooped. Oh, and I'd forgotten to buy any kind of bumper or bed rails either. So he was on his own.

But he slept great! He didn't even get out of bed on Saturday morning like he had been in his crib. He waited for me to come get him.


Saturday night, he went to bed pretty easily again, but about 5:30 Sunday morning I woke up to a wail and ran in and found him on the floor.


He wasn't scared though. He just wanted to rock and then said, "mama, pat you?", which is what he says when he wants me to rub his back and then he went back to sleep until almost 9AM!

I think he likes it, don't you?



I'm not finished with the room yet, but I'm happy with it so far. I want to do some kind of a painting or a mural over his bed. We have ANDREW letters that we had over his crib, but he pulled them all off the wall when he was about ten months old, and I'm afraid he'd do it again with framed art.

I'd really like to do something like this over the dressing/changing table.

Photo credit: Pinterest (but I don't know where it came from - sorry!)

So, it'll be a work in progress, but it's cute and Andrew loves it and that's the most important part!

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  • love his new bed! his room looks awesome! glad he likes it!

    By Blogger suzie, At May 2, 2011 at 9:14:00 AM CDT  

  • I love, love, love the bedding set you picked out! That had to have come from Pottery Barn, right? :) And I think the letters would be perfect in there!

    By Blogger Courtney K., At May 2, 2011 at 12:41:00 PM CDT  

  • His big boy bed and room are adorable... congratulations! That's quite an accomplishment! It was a pretty easy transition for all three of mine from crib to bed. The only thing is that occasionally we hear the pitter patter of little feet in the middle of the night, but they usually just want to climb in our bed for a couple of hours until everyone wakes up. ;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At May 2, 2011 at 1:08:00 PM CDT  

  • I love the bedding (of course - you always pick out the cutest stuff)! And the idea for the alphabet letters above the changing table. Andrew seriously looks like he is so excited! Can you believe how big he is?!

    By Blogger Unknown, At May 2, 2011 at 2:20:00 PM CDT  

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