Meagan Musing: Clean Slate

Meagan Musing


Clean Slate

Week 1: Resolution

Out with the Christmas decorations and in with the fresh start, the clean slate.

The new year is always an exciting time. It's a chance to reevaluate where you've been and where you're headed.

I'm not so good at making resolutions. I've never been very good at actually following through, but I do have a few goals I want to work towards in 2012.

I have got to get myself organized. I keep losing things and forgetting about things and running out of important things like toilet paper. So I'm going to try to tackle one organization project a month. I could start with the way in which I put away my Christmas decorations or file my bills and papers in the office, but I think I'll just clean out my pantry and do some meal planning.

And make a list the rest of my projects.

Do something fun with the kids once a week. Even if it's just going to a birthday party or the mall, I want to do something special and memorable once a week. Again, I need to make a list of fun activities for us.

Clean out my house. We've been here for five years now, and I feel like we've never gotten rid of a single thing we've brought in. I know that's a bit of an exaggeration, but oh my word, this place is full. Again, I think I need to start with one room at a time, making a plan of attack.

Return emails daily. I am the WORST at returning email. I'll read one on my phone and think I should reply to that on my computer and then forget and before I know it, it's three days later and I feel bad that it's so late so I just don't reply. Bad, bad, bad. So I'd like to try to reply immediately.

And y'all, that's it. I can do these things this year, right?

I also have some ideas and goals for the blog. I'm seriously considering a Project 365. I know I didn't even finish my one photo a week last year, but I think I can really do this, especiallly if I can count cell phone pictures.

I'm pretty sure I actually finished taking one picture a week last year, I just didn't follow through with posting them on my tumbler blog. So I need to reconsider the way in which I keep up with my photos. Maybe I'll do a weekly post here, or just save them and have a book printed.

I for sure want to participate in Darcy's Project 52 Photo Challenge. I like the prompts and having something specific to find and shoot.

This week's prompt: Resolution.

Seems like a great place to start!

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