Meagan Musing: Looking Back

Meagan Musing


Looking Back

I was a young hot-shot college student. I was about to start my senior year at SMU, and I knew exactly what I was going to do with my life - well, at least what I wasn't going to do with it.

I was maybe going to move to Boston with my best friend and try to get in to the music business, not the music part, mind you, but the business part.

Or maybe I was going to use my fancy finance degree, become an investment banker, work 100 hours a week for a few years and then get my MBA.

I was for sure not going to get married and have kids any time soon. No way, that was not for me. I had grand plans.

And then I met Brian. It was like my whole world turned around in a matter of months. I knew we were going to get married, it was just a matter of time. We waited two years after graduation, getting jobs and growing up.


But I still wasn't ready to start a family right away. We wanted to travel and have fun, get to know each other a bit more, establish our careers.


Oh, I just didn't know what was waiting for me.


Now, now these people are my everything. My heart is so full.


I look back and realize how different things could be, and I'm overcome with thankfulness that my life has worked out just the way it has. This, today, is exactly where I am supposed to be.


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