Meagan Musing: 27 Weeks

Meagan Musing


27 Weeks


I'm 27 weeks pregnant today which means I'm starting my third trimester. Crazy because I still have so much to do before she gets here.

Here's a comparison from 10 weeks ago.


I'm a little scared of what this belly is going to look like 10 weeks from now. :)

I am enjoying being pregnant a lot more the second time around. I'm not nearly as worried about every little thing like I was with Andrew. And I think I just feel better overall than I did before.

I've gained a little less weight than I had at this point with Andrew so maybe that's helping me to not be as uncomfortable. And I've stayed really busy and active chasing after and playing with Andrew so I'm sure that makes a difference.

I was worried it would be harder this time, but I've been pleasantly surprised. Now, let's see if I'm still saying that in a few weeks. :)

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