Meagan Musing: 39 Weeks

Meagan Musing


39 Weeks


One week away from my due date!

I've become a serious nester these last few days. I've cleaned and organized the pantry, redecorated the guest room, (almost) finished the nursery, thrown out all our old catalogs and magazines, washed every seat, sling and carrier the baby will sit in and discussed our baby name list with Brian about a million times.

I feel like we're ready now. If this baby comes this week we'll be okay. I would like to see Harry Potter first though. :)

I went in for my checkup this week, and while she's still measuring small, she's grown enough in the last 10 days that he wasn't in a hurry for me to deliver.

I don't think I've blogged about it, but I'm trying for a VBAC. I was induced with Andrew over a week after my due date and after almost 24 hours of labor he still hadn't dropped enough for me to deliver.

So I was wheeled in for a c-section. I was exhausted from laboring for so long and had a tough few days of recovery. I'm hoping to avoid that long recovery this time, but I have to go in to labor on my own. If I don't, it's another c-section for me.

My doctor will let me go about 10 days after my due date though so I have some time. We'll see how things work out, but I'm hopeful. And I'm not miserable. That helps so much.

I don't know if this will be our last baby or not, but I'm trying to enjoy these last few days of pregnancy. There's nothing else in the world like feeling the baby roll around and push and prod from the inside. I want to enjoy these moments where I have her all to myself.

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