Meagan Musing: Thirty-three

Meagan Musing



When I was a kid I thought it was pretty tough to have a birthday at the beginning of the year. We'd finish up with Christmas and the New Year and then - bam! my birthday - just when it was time to go back to school.

But now as a real life grown-up I kind of enjoy it.

It's like double the fresh start that the new year brings. And some years I can use lots of fresh starts.

I want to do a few things to grow my photography this year. I'm thinking of joining a 52 week photo challenge. I have no idea if I'd finish though. Last year I made it about 20ish weeks.

Paint the Moon Photography is doing some kind of big project and My 4 Hens Photography is hosting her challenge again. Maybe if I only had to commit to posting the photo on Flickr I'd do better? I don't know.

Are you doing any photography challenges this year?

I'm also committing to a 365 iphone photo challenge. I know never in a million years would I take a photo with my big camera every day, but my phone I can handle. I'm planning to hashtag them #mrs365photo on Instagram. That way they'll be easy for me to find.

I'd LOVE to have a giant collage made at the end of the year with all our Instagrams. My friend Devon just finished up her photos from last year and they look great. I also adore this giant frame from The Handmade Home. How perfect would that be in a game room?

I have a clean slate. A new calendar to go with my thirty-fourth year. I feel inspired and motivated - a great combination! What will it hold?

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