Meagan Musing: She has Hair!

Meagan Musing


She has Hair!

Brian and I had been married for a couple years when we decided it was time start talking about starting a family. We talked about it for a long time.

And then we found out we were going to have a baby!

When I started dreaming of life with a baby I began picturing a baby girl. Growing up with a sister and no brothers, girls were what I was familiar with, what I knew and loved.

But then at my 20 week ultrasound the tech announced that we were having a baby BOY!

And I was surprised, but I honestly wasn't disappointed. I just wondered what it would be like to have a boy around! I wrote this post a few weeks before Andrew was born and I think it really summed up my feelings on what was about to happen.

But oh how I've loved being a boy mom! Andrew is so rough and tumble and full of energy and just a boy! But he's also so sweet and loving and he really, really loves his mama.

So when we were expecting our second baby I just assumed we'd have another boy. Suddenly boys were what I was familiar with and loved.

This time the same ultrasound tech told us "it looks like a girl!" and I was shocked.

But I already know what it's like to be a boy mom!

Well, now I'm learning what it's like to be a girl mom. And it's really awesome too.

Just in the last week or two she's grown enough hair to wear a bow, and I'm in love.

My sweet, amazing, generous friend Suzie dropped off a few bows for me on Saturday and Caroline has had one in her hair ever since.

I mean, look at all that!

Giant bows are not really my style, but these little tiny ones are just perfect for her baby hair.

So girl moms: do you have a big bow collection for your baby girl? And where do you buy them?

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