Meagan Musing: Registered

Meagan Musing



I signed up for an SMU continuing education photography course yesterday. I'm really excited about learning more about my camera and this new hobby I'm enjoying so much.

They offer a level I and level II class, and I decided to register for the level II. For one thing, both level I classes were already filled even though I registered two days after receiving my catalog. But I had planned to sign up for the level II anyway.

It says level I or similar proficiency is a a prerequisite for level II. I'm hoping all my online research will count. I've also read a book about my specific camera and one on general digital photography.

I've been shooting mostly in Av mode, occasionally switching to an automatic setting if I just can't get the exposure right, so I'm not starting from scratch.

It doesn't start until November either, so I have plenty of time to teach myself new stuff in the meantime.



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