Meagan Musing: Giving Thanks

Meagan Musing


Giving Thanks

*Edited to add a picture of Brian and me with Mom and Dad and Matt and Kelsey. Mom just sent it to me yesterday. I think this is one of the best pictures we've taken of all of us in a while. And we're not wearing togas! (We have an adorable picture of us on the Harmony wearing togas a few summers ago.)

Oh, what a Thanksgiving! We talked for hours, ate many, many times, sang funny songs and played games. It was a wonderful long weekend with the Reids, McCords, Skarbeks and Woodalls. We missed my cousin Katie and the boys though. Her oldest, Jack, came down with strep throat and they weren't able to come out on Friday. But Matt and Kelsey showed up with a karaoke machine so we were able to entertain ourselves.

We decided to take Christmas card/family pictures while we were all together and wearing cute clothes. Here are a few previews:

I really like the one of us with Janet and Dan, but I'm not sure about the Fenway pic. But doesn't he look cute with his fancy new haircut? He finally let the people at PetsMart cut his face hair just in time for Thanksgiving!

I tried to get pics of our Karaoke Experience, but the den is really hard to take pictures in because of the lighting. Here's the best one I could find of Mom and Dad. Yes, that's right, Mom and Dad karaoked!

Everyone karaoked! Mark and Cheryl were adorable on Going to the Chapel and Matt & Kels did Breakfast at Tiffany's. Brian's brother Dan took over the MC duties and was able to get everyone up to the mic. Janet and her boys did a few songs, and I thought Nana might run off with Brian after their duet!

It was so wonderful to bring all our families together to celebrate and give thanks for all that we have. We are all so blessed! It's good to have a day to sit down, remember, and say thank you for that. So thank you to everyone who makes my life so special! I am grateful for you all!


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