Meagan Musing: Visitors

Meagan Musing



Brian, Andrew and I went to the mall yesterday afternoon. We had a few things to exchange from Christmas and I wanted to do some shoe shopping, and take a quick look at some lightweight sweaters, and maybe a scarf of two. It's really hard to run to Nordstrom and not shop more than you'd planned to.

Anyway, Andrew stayed pretty happy in his stroller even though he hates to be strapped down these days. Brian kept him entertained while I was trying on shoes and as long as we kept moving he was fine to look around at all the people.


So when I was finished with my shopping and Brian just had one more stop I decided to go ahead and take Andrew out of the stroller to let him move around a bit. He of course wanted down immediately, and he was off.

The people we ran into in Dillard's thought he was hysterical. He walked up and down the aisle in his new squeaky shoes like he owned the place. There was a group of people standing around at the end of the isle and Andrew walked right up to them and waved and gave them his biggest grin like they were his long lost best friends.

But then it was time to go home, and I didn't want to try to strap him back in to the stroller because I knew he'd freak out. So we got to carry him all the way back to the car. That was a long walk.

He took a quick nap, Brian ran to the grocery store and I started cooking because Mimi and Papa Jack (a.k.a. - my parents) were coming over for dinner.

They brought Wrigley with them, and Andrew was really excited to have two dogs in the house. He pointed and squealed at Wrigley all night.


Andrew went to bed and the adults sat down to a great dinner. We had pork tenderloin, tomatoes and mozzarella, and The Pioneer Woman's Perfect Potatoes au Gratin. They were soooo good - there's a reason she calls them Perfect.


I think Andrew was sad when he woke up this morning and discovered that there was only one dog left in the house. Ha!

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